Orthodontic Screening

Discovering Smile Potential at Age Seven: Specialized Orthodontic Evaluations for Your Child's Bright Future

When is the right time for a child's initial orthodontic assessment?

The American Association of Orthodontists advocates for children to receive an orthodontic evaluation by age 7. This timing enables Dr. Nikki Shafiei to identify if orthodontic care is necessary and pinpoint the most advantageous timing for treatment. Many general dentists can recognize early orthodontic issues and might refer you to our office even before your child turns seven.

Importance of an Early Evaluation

Prompt evaluation and potential early intervention can steer the development of teeth into better positions, maintain space for upcoming permanent teeth, and minimize the risk of trauma to protruding front teeth.

When early orthodontic action is advised, Dr. Nikki Shafiei can direct jaw growth, influence the arrangement of forthcoming permanent teeth, and more. Early efforts can adjust dental arch widths, secure space for adult teeth, reduce future extraction needs, lessen the risk of impacted teeth, address habits like thumb-sucking, and rectify speech or swallowing irregularities. Starting early can streamline subsequent treatments once all adult teeth are present.

Is Early Intervention Right for Every Child?

Not all children will benefit from early treatment; some orthodontic conditions are best tackled during adolescence. For specific skeletal concerns, waiting until a child’s growth is more advanced might be recommended. Dr. Nikki Shafiei tailors treatment plans to each child’s unique circumstances. If immediate treatment isn’t necessary, children are enrolled in our Orthodontic Supervisory Program.

Understanding the Orthodontic Supervising Program

This program is designed for children who are not yet candidates for treatment, allowing us to oversee the development and emergence of permanent teeth. Strategic early removal of primary teeth can sometimes prevent unfavorable eruption patterns and decrease future orthodontic durations. We coordinate with your family dentist and schedule check-ins every 6-8 months to evaluate progress. This complimentary program helps us decide the best time to begin treatment, aiming for excellent results.

Additional Advantages of Orthodontic Care

Beyond achieving a beautiful smile, orthodontic treatment improves bite function, simplifies oral hygiene, deters wear and tear, and supports the long-term health of teeth.

Can Early Treatment Eliminate the Need for Future Braces?

While early intervention can resolve critical issues and simplify later treatments, it doesn’t always eliminate the need for braces during adolescence. Phase II treatment (a comprehensive phase of treatment with full braces) often finalizes alignment when all adult teeth are in place, although sometimes, no further orthodontic work is needed.

Should Dental Visits Continue During Orthodontic Care?

Absolutely. Maintaining oral health is crucial, especially with braces or other devices in place. Regular dental check-ups and cleanings every six months are essential to keep teeth healthy throughout orthodontic treatment.